I Am Home

Adam Flowers

Do not worry, for I am home,
Do not cry, for I hurt no more.
Remember my love, so do not grieve,
Remember my work, so I may be pleased.
I cannot tell you of the times we had,
For they are more precious than all of the land.
It is time for me to leave,
So please do not grieve.
I am home now with God,
And my love with you is always there.
Sweet child of mine you are so grand,
I can only think of the times we had.
Remember my teachings so I can live on,
In your hearts and lives I will beat strong.
I am at rest with the Almighty God above,
So do not cry for my parting,
For one day we will all be together.
I leave you with love and care,
So do not grieve because I will be there.
In these trying times I understand your tears,
But wipe them away for I am near.
And when the time comes one day,
You will see me again in our Home you will stay.

Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association.