SpamCheck is a standard feature integrated into the MailOut module of Site Build It! (SBI!) -- the unique, all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing product. SBI! makes it easy for you to build a professional, popular, and profitable business with no worries about false SPAM accusations.

For more information on how SBI! can build your business, visit...Site Build It! (SBI!)

This is only a DEMO to illustrate how to send your message to someone who asks for it. No email will be sent, and the submitted email address is not saved. It will simply open an example page showing how to make sure that it is not blocked by the recipient's ISP. If you are still concerned about submitting an email address, leave it blank or enter anything you wish and click the submit button.

Now, suppose someone just signed up for your super program, and you are trying to confirm the signup or simply communicate with them. Pretend this is the process you are using....possibly from your capture page....